Sunday, 23 February 2014

Colour Schemes and more confusion.

Using the PGH website to build a colour scheme we have

Option C.
 Option J.

Brick Confusion

Ok .

So now we are looking for Bricks, roofs, guttering and fascias
Its more than a little challenging - even the same brick does look the same when you see it in different locations.

Ok so here are the choices.

Location of the house on the block

Saturday, 8 February 2014

House Image and 149


Well this this is a shot of what the house should look like.
Note we got the 149 certificate this week.

Starting Out

This is the blog of our house knockdown rebuild.

Never done this before and we have signed the paper work in 31st of Jan 2013.

Our House currently looks like this.

We have gone with a Montgomery home design. I will post an image of the planned house next.