Monday, 24 November 2014

23rd November Slab has been laid

Slab is laid.

 Shots of the slab - foreground is the garage and the back area is the study and entertainment room.
 This shot shows the height difference between the columns and the concern is how excavate down to get the drive way in

Slab on the garage side of things - the garage feel like it will be huge.

Shot of the slab.

Excavations on going 15th of november.

Excavations are now progressed and the foundations around the back of the house and the framework has been put up around the slab. Noted that there is a lot of excess fill back on the site.

Also that there is still a slope back into the slab area from the front yard.

 Formwork for the slab .
Trench for foundations around the back of the house.
 Trench for the foundations.
 Another shot of the form work.
Note the water seepage from the RHS.

 Shot showing the formwork.

The corner has been excavated out a little bit.

Excavations on going 16th November

Weekend of the 15th of November

Digger has been called back and the excavation is more pronounced 
The aggregate has been place in the driveway as well.
Mainparts are that the land is cleared and the excavation for the foundations are not yet  in.

The corner has been removed a little bit ... more needs to be done. 

The excavation down the side of the house is complete - it is going to be a tight squeeze to get this excavated and a retaining wall in. 

Close up shot of the corner and the height difference from the slab ... more on this when the slab is laid.

You can see the split level where the slab is being stepped up from the garage to the ground floor level. Note again the height of the corner section.

Note again the gradient into the house. 

Getting the excavation correct - 10th November


So the digger has been called back on site to do some more work.

You can see in the first couple of photos that the cut at the back of the yard is not as deep or pronounced as further on.

These photos are from the Weekend of 10th of November.

Note here that the corner was to be dug out and you can see the slop back into the slab area.

The digger is actually on the left hand side of this phot and you can see the cut into the Alfresco area at the back of the block and the cut in along the front of the pool.

 Digger on the side where the garage is all of this fill is removed.

 Shot showing the slope back into the cut area for the slab.

 This photos shows raised corner section note that the foundations for the pillars are not in yet.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

We are underway .....

Digger turned up this week

Looks they have made progress - Digger turned up on the tuesday the 28th of October. Took this on the way home from work.

The block is pretty flat and looks to be ready to roll . 

Ok. Now the latest photos from Sunday 2nd of November.
The digger has hooked in .

Sandstone Anyone ?????

 Ok.. So this is going to need a retaining wall...

I am hoping the block does not slope back into the house ... its a fair dig they have done.

 Shot from the street. ...